We did it! We have launched into The Sparkleverse. It's so fun how looking back on the synchronicities of the things I've shared with you this year, have culminated into THIS!
-Doing Things We've Never Done Before
-The Magic of Dopamine Dressing
-Wearing Your Attitude on Your Sleeve (or legs!)
And if I'm being REALLY HONEST, I have to tell you that there were times during this culmination that I totally felt like I wanted to be Floating Away On My Giant Unicorn.
But because of the influence of these building blocks upon building blocks, here we are. And I am proud to be able to share with you My Very Own Creation. Sequins by JCJ brought to you by A Bit of Extra. These sequin pieces (and the ones still in creation) are brough to you for every BODY and EVERY occasion.
Again, I say to you, if we can flood the streets with athletic leggings on any day of the week for any occasion, we can flood the streets with sequin joggers; on every day, for every occasion.
STOP saving sparkle for special occasions.
~Endeared To You
Your Sparkle Specialist