We did it! We have launched into The Sparkleverse!


We did it! We have launched into The Sparkleverse. It's so fun how looking back on the synchronicities of the things I've shared with you this year, have culminated into THIS! 

-Doing Things We've Never Done Before

-The Magic of Dopamine Dressing

-Going Next Level

-What Beauty Is To Me

-Wearing Your Attitude on Your Sleeve (or legs!)

-Living Life A Bit Extra 

-Just Wear it to Market

And if I'm being REALLY HONEST, I have to tell you that there were times during this culmination that I totally felt like I wanted to be Floating Away On My Giant Unicorn. 

But because of the influence of these building blocks upon building blocks, here we are.  And I am proud to be able to share with you My Very Own Creation.  Sequins by JCJ brought to you by A Bit of Extra. These sequin pieces (and the ones still in creation) are brough to you for every BODY and EVERY occasion.  

Again, I say to you, if we can flood the streets with athletic leggings on any day of the week for any occasion, we can flood the streets with sequin joggers; on every day, for every occasion. 

STOP saving sparkle for special occasions. 

~Endeared To You
Your Sparkle Specialist

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